How to choose a mobile plan?

Why Infimobile Offers Just 4 Simple Plans—and Why Annual Plans Make Sense for You

Hey there! 👋 As the CEO of Infimobile, I often get asked why we’ve kept our service plans streamlined with just four options and why we’re promoting annual subscriptions. The answer is rooted in data and a commitment to provide what’s truly necessary—no more, no less—at an affordable price. Let’s dive in!


Why 4 Plans? Here’s What We Know About Your Data

After analyzing mobile usage across age groups, we found that most Americans don’t need sky-high data limits every month. Here’s a look at our four simple plans and why each one works:




Best For

Why This Works

10 GB

10 GB + 🗣📲

Everyday users who mostly use Wi-Fi

Americans average ~10 GB on cellular

15 GB

15 GB + 🗣📲

Those needing just a bit more mobile data

Millennials use ~11.8 GB on average

20 GB

20 GB + 🗣📲

Power users who need data on the go

Data-hungry folks who need flexibility

500 MB (Kid & Boomer Special)

500 MB + 🗣📲

Kids, Boomers, and light users

Minimal data, unlimited talk & text

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